Monday, November 26, 2007

Is it safe to come out yet?

EB has been hiding away. No, not in Paris. He wants to come back on the blogosphere but has been wary about posting on this public media. You know the ol' saying, "anything you say can and will be used against you...blah blah blah?" That's why he's been so cautious.

Divorce is arduous and back-breaking. I don't recommend it for anyone. In fact, EB recommends to forgo marriage altogether. I've been played a fool by the plaintiff in this case, (if you didn't catch that, I'm not the one who filed legal action), and by the many public one-sided comments made to mutual 'friends' and in my workplace. Sure, I've had the notion to set the record straight on my public blog. It's my blog, right? I have the right to defend myself, right? But I've kept the truth to myself. I chose discretion and professionalism over pettiness. I've kept my proverbial nose to the grindstone and kept my private life just that.

I shall return to this blogosphere herewith and attempt to continue to narrate my personal humorous and satirical views about life, fathering, singing, and working for a living. But in the words of the wise and sensible scholar, Forrest Gump, "That's all I got to say about that."

Comments on "Is it safe to come out yet?"


Blogger darlene mcleod said ... (November 26, 2007 12:45 PM) : 

I'm really sorry to read about the family trouble. No fun at all. But I'm glad that you've got such a baritone-friendly opera such as Carmen on your plate to help distract and console you! I loved singing Carmen; good heavens, she's fun!

Chin up, and best of luck to you.


Blogger Kerra E. B. K. said ... (November 27, 2007 7:39 AM) : 

The people who know you know the truth and will be there for you along the way!

And we'll hook you up with hot 20 yr olds when the divorce is final.... ;)


Blogger Evil Baritone said ... (November 27, 2007 8:28 AM) : 

Hey Kerra, can we make it 21? I'd at least like to buy the hotties a drink. ;-)


Blogger Penny Karma, aka the F-Bomb Mom said ... (November 29, 2007 10:02 AM) : 

Dude! I have been sick with worry!!!

Email me, please.


Blogger Kerra E. B. K. said ... (November 30, 2007 7:17 AM) : 

You and your lust for old chicks! 21 it is.... ;)

See you tonight! :)


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