It’s been busy. Job…concerts…stage rehearsals…QuizMaster apprenticeship…video editing. Whew! Here I am, believing I’m too busy. 3+ jobs. 2 kids. 1 wife. I whine. I complain. I take my meds as prescribed. But what I don’t often do enough is sit down and appreciate the family I see on such an infrequent basis. Today I read about a fellow blogosphere-ite, ATOMICTUMOR, and jumped to his blog. His wife of two boys fell dreadfully and critically ill over a weekend. Within 48 hrs she went from mild flu symptoms on Halloween to clinging onto life and having a hospital bedside vigil. How does that happen? Stop by. Give him your prayers & good wishes. I spend a lot of time trying to earn a living for my family & feeding my performing habit. I spend way less time than I would like enjoying my kids and my wife. I definitely don’t spend enough time telling her how much I appreciate her. A story like the one above sure brings perspective into crystal clear view. I enjoy my music. I enjoy creativity. But I really really love my wife, my Goonie, and my Bobo. I love you and I appreciate you. Sorry I’m rarely around to tell you that enough. |
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