Friday, January 04, 2008

Benefits of learning new roles

Day 2 - Thursday

Rehearse rehearse rehearse. 7 hours of staging and reviewing. Gotta get this little opera on it's feet ASAP! I have performed Boheme before as Schaunard in Italian. I have filled in last-minute for this project to perform Colline and Alcindoro in ENGLISH. It's certainly a different learning curve memorizing an opera in English that once was completely learned in Italian. Performing Colline is a bonus to me, I feel, because as a Bass-Baritone I get to utilize the nice low notes, and have yet another role under my belt for this popular show. Later we shall be performing a concert version of our La Boheme in Italian with orchestra, so having another role memorized in Italian is bonus.

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Comments on "Benefits of learning new roles"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 07, 2008 12:11 PM) : 

Yeah, but is Colline an EVIL bass baritone? ;)


Blogger Evil Baritone said ... (January 07, 2008 4:37 PM) : 

But of course! I can POISON the water given to Mimi in Act IV!! Muahahahahaha!!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (January 07, 2008 6:11 PM) : 

Fair enough, but Tosca's gonna get you/Scarpia on the flip side!!!


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